Right side of C100 Test Engine
Left side of C100 Test Engine
And of course I couldn't wait to get it mocked-up in the frame, to check the fit of the exhaust and intake manifold/carb setup. As it turns out, the "right" side engine case is slightly different between the C110 and C100. The C100 has an extra buldge on the clutch side because of the automatic clutch mechanism. This buldge hits the exhaust pipe I built. Just enough so that the exhaust won't bolt on the swingarm bracket. I have a couple options, the easiest being to extend the exhaust bracket, but I'm fearful that might make it look funny if it starts to "run down hill" as it exits the back of the bike. I'll need to spend some more time fiddling with it. Hhhmm.
Test engine installed, intake and exhaust mocked up on bike for fitment
Little Salty is really starting to look like a bike now
Another productive and fun day in the garage.